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Pkgfile for Compiz

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OK! I'm trying to recipe for compiz-
The configurator reports that there are no dependencies.

--- Code: ----- Could NOT find Lcov (missing:  LCOV_EXECUTABLE GENHTML_EXECUTABLE)
-- Could NOT find gcovr (missing:  GCOVR_EXECUTABLE)
-- Checking for modules 'x11;xext;xdamage;xcomposite;xcursor;x11-xcb;xrandr;xinerama;xi;ice;sm;libxml-2.0;libxslt;glib-2.0;gio-2.0;glibmm-2.4;libstartup-notification-1.0 >= 0.7'
--   No package 'x11' found
--   No package 'xext' found
--   No package 'xdamage' found
--   No package 'xcomposite' found
--   No package 'xcursor' found
--   No package 'x11-xcb' found
--   No package 'xrandr' found
--   No package 'xinerama' found
--   No package 'xi' found
--   No package 'ice' found
--   No package 'sm' found
--   No package 'libxml-2.0' found
--   No package 'libxslt' found
--   No package 'glib-2.0' found
--   No package 'gio-2.0' found
--   No package 'glibmm-2.4' found

--- End code ---

I understand that you need to install packages with the "devel" index.
I installed one such "xcursor":

--- Code: ---# get xorg-libxcursor.devel
     4,19 KB  (11,11 KB/s) 100 % - 0 s   
Retrieve info about the 600 packages: 100 %
   ADD: (gui) xorg-libxcursor.devel 1.1.14-2, 6 files: 100 %

--- End code ---

The question is, is there a possibility in NuTyX to automatically install dependency packages?
Perhaps there is, simply I do not find?

I think you should take time for reading the online documentation and the FAQ

I will not respond to your forum. First, learn how to write documentation. Your designs do not work.


--- Quote from: cdrw on Thu Sep 21 22:08:28 2017 ---I will not respond to your forum. First, learn how to write documentation. Your designs do not work.

--- End quote ---
About documentation, you're absolutly right, that's why somebody is helping me for english translation.

And still. Why should I learn experimentally that the strip works only with the variable "PKGMK_GROUPS = (devel man doc service)?"
If PKGMK_GROUPS = () this does not work. Did you mention this in your documentation? Show me this place!
You created a good distribution, but you will not find any friends. It is difficult to communicate with you. You consider yourself a genius.


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