Documentation > The install-nutyx script

generate iso: mkiso: It's not the 5.3.7-NuTyX kernel in this ISO


When I came to generate the iso, I got:
(yeah, I had forgotten to set export NUTYX_TMP=/mnt/nutyx_tmp so that stuff ended in my home directory)

--- Code: ---root [ /home/paul/packages-x86_64/x86_64 ]
# bash rolling/scripts/mkiso
something went wrong: It's not the 5.3.7-NuTyX kernel in this ISO

root [ /home/paul/packages-x86_64/x86_64 ]# ls $LFS
bin   dev  home  language.check  lib64         mnt  pkg   root  sbin  sys  usr
boot  etc  ISO   lib             locale.check  opt  proc  run   srv   tmp  var

root [ /home/paul/packages-x86_64/x86_64 ]# ls $LFS/boot
config_64-4.19.80-NuTyX-lts  kernel-4.19.80-NuTyX-lts
grub                         kernel-lts
root [ /home/paul/packages-x86_64/x86_64 ]#
--- End code ---

indeed, it seems to be 4.19.80, not 5.3.7 kernel... is it really wrong?

Until Thierry answers, you may see if this helps...,349.msg1183.html#msg1183

I redone bash mkiso, without any pararmeters and it worked fine this time.

That said, the almost 6 Gib, refuse to be copied in my 4 Gb ram when I try to boot it.
Don't know if there is an option to tell to mount the different squashfs files rather than try to copy them in ram.

when you get:

--- Code: ---# bash rolling/scripts/mkiso
something went wrong: It's not the 5.3.7-NuTyX kernel in this ISO
--- End code ---

You should use pass the kernel name as second parameter like explain in the help:

--- Code: --- bash rolling/scripts/mkiso -h
--- End code ---

So then you will need to pass param1 as well like this:

--- Code: ---bash rolling/scripts/mkiso 20191022 $(basename $LFS/lib/modules/*)
--- End code ---


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