hum... something like:
# Default server URL
# From Paul: I think nos is gone, so I commented it
## For nos
# Comment following line
# If you don't want to install Non Open source/Not compiled packages
# dir /var/lib/pkg/depot/nos
## Normally everything under this line
# are needed stuffs
## For the different desktops environments: gnome, kde, mate, xfce, lxqt, etc.
dir /var/lib/pkg/depot/desktops
## For all the graphical applications
dir /var/lib/pkg/depot/gui-extra
## For a minimal graphical interface
dir /var/lib/pkg/depot/gui
## For all the console applications
dir /var/lib/pkg/depot/cli-extra
## For a minimal console interface
dir /var/lib/pkg/depot/cli
## Chroot system without reboot possibilities for a chroot
dir /var/lib/pkg/depot/base
## Normaly you want to keep base and
base /var/lib/pkg/depot/base
## If you want to keep more collections remove comments below
# Adjust to your needs
base /var/lib/pkg/depot/cli
base /var/lib/pkg/depot/cli-extra
base /var/lib/pkg/depot/gui
base /var/lib/pkg/depot/gui-extra
base /var/lib/pkg/depot/...
group de