I just installed the openjdk package:
$ cards info openjdk
Retrieve info about the 472 packages: 100 %
Name : openjdk
Description : OpenJDK 8 updates of the open-source reference of the Java SE 8.
Group :
Collection : cli
URL : http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk8/spec/
Contributor(s) : Pierre B
Packager : tnut <tnut@nutyx.org>
Version : 8u141
Release : 1
Build date : Sat 29 Feb 2020 05:53:20 AM EST
Installed date : Thu 07 May 2020 01:03:40 PM EDT
Installed Size : 168.27 Mbytes
Number of Files: 742 file(s)
Arch : x86_64
Man. installed : No
Dependencies : gcc glibc zlib
However, the package installation doesn't seem to add 'java' as a universally available program on my system:
$ java
bash: java: command not found