Hi Tnut
Thank for above help.
I did remake my installation from CD that weekend.
After installing the base, I did make:
sudo cards sync
get clex xorg jwm gvim epiphany flashplugin audacious audacious-plugins gimp speedcrunch roxfiler roxterm
and edit /etc/system.jwmrc (it is not the best way: you have to copy this file into your home changing the name into .jwmrc and specify your changes in that copy. next profit: if you erase all and come back to the base, your file ~/.jwmrc continue to be available if you will reinstall jwm again!)so that speedcrunch, epiphany and gvim are available instead of the Calculator, Iceweasel and Xedit proposed in the menu but not available in the depot of NuTyx.
Roxterm, Speedcrunch and Gvim are better. Epiphany works well.
Chromium, Midori and Xombrero do not work as they are (I really miss Xombrero as it is the only one secure browser...
. Firefox is absolutely not secure in my eyes...)
Diverse man pages seem not to be available (perhaps it is matter of the language? I did install French as it is not bad for me and it is the standard language of that distribution; is that the reason?).
One package did have pulseaudio in it's dependencies. Flashplugin works well, but no sound (error message in the terminal: no mixer! But the only one add offered in cards search pulseaudio (a very good thing that search routine!) is a KDE5 package. I don't will of course install KDE5 only because I need a mixer
(but I am interessting in use of pulseaudio! it is good that it was installed without my decision to install it...)
"get" is now an wonderfull equipement as you can install all that minimal system with only one line after cards sync.
reboot is a bit difficult after card sync as it needs really much time and if you did not know it before, you wait desesperate that the system will end it's job...
Kind regards