One last issue that I haven't been able to solve...
When testing the .iso that I've made on actual hardware, I'm able to connect to my network on the computer (that I used to build the .iso on) using networkmanager and nm-applet.
However, I'm unable to connect on any other computers using either ethernet or wireless. This happens in both the live environment and an actual installation.
I've tried building the .iso with networkmanager, wicd, and I've also tried building the .iso without a network manager. If I try to set up the network connection manually, I'm still unable to connect with either ethernet or wireless.
I didn't copy any of my personal network configurations to the .iso.
I'm so sorry to ask about this, but I have looked over the handbook and any other NuTYX information that I've been able to think of, but I can't seem to find a solution.
What have I done wrong this time?