Author Topic: Great Distro and a couple of things I'm not understanding  (Read 14369 times)


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Hello Everyone,

Very neat distro, thank you. Not attacking in the least, just trying to understand a bit more.
Very quick and responsive and loaded using approx' 250mb!
I enjoy a good tinker of an OS and makes a change from arch and slackware, though in truth Bodhi linux is very good and currently my current most used.

Apologies if I have some of the basics wrong. I'm a user not a developer/technical person.

Running miyolinux (and hats off to this openbox config, very good and dig the name...'make it your own'). I have run across a few issues. Same issues encountered on nutyx 10.5 stable.  Not really problems just things I would like to resolve.

I fully expect that these 'issues' are down to my lack of knowledge but thought I'd post anyway.

Things I would like to resolve, no order of priority.

cards pkgmanager is good though I would like to be able to see the dependencies of a package before I install it. I tend to use cli as flcards seems to use a lot of cpu cycles as per conky/htop/lxtask, using about 25% of total cpu. Worried that installing some gnome application will load all of the gnome DE.

Having to setxkbmap in autostart (openbox) for my choice of keyboard as layout didn't work/set in the install (and isn't setup quick!). Files necessary to config this aren't present so can I just go ahead and create directories and populate or am I missing a package?
/lib/kbd/keymaps/i386/ is missing
/lib/kbd/consolefonts/ is missing
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-keyboard.conf is there (typo in the nutyx manual, manual says /etc/X11/xorg.xonf.d/20-keyboard.conf)

Unable to load acpid (via /etc/sysconfig/modules - is this how I should load it?)
manual 'modprobe -v acpid' fails with modprobe: FATAL: Module acpid not found in directory /lib/modules/4.14.96-NuTyX-lts
'lsmod' shows many toshiba-acpi modules plus acpi_cpufreg loaded (my laptop is a toshiba)
typo in the manual (modprobe-v module) - no space after modprobe
acpid, pm-utils installed but no acpid in /etc/init.d. I've used the rc.acpid that I have in a slackware install (renamed acpid) and
loaded via autostart (hack) 'xterm -e sudo /etc/init.d/acpid start &' which works but needs a passwd also 'xterm -e sudo /usr/sbin/acpid &' works. I am able to suspend/resume (pm-suspend) and laptop suspends on lid close.

I clearly do not understand loading/unloading modules.

After editing miyo-exit I have the options for suspend/resume on exit but they are not working as of yet.
Is this because there is no power group? I am a member of wheel and root user is created.
xfce4-power-manager is installed and running
Trying, and failing to bind miyo-exit and to keys (bindsym) in i3wm.

Always shows network up, in conky, unless I 'sudo ifconfig enp0s26u1u1u2 down'. Can I just create /etc/network/interfaces for this or, again, is there a package that I am missing? or somenting else?
I use a usb 4G pendrive which presents itself as a wired connection with ability to connect wireless as well.

I counldn't attach a file, no option or I missed it.and adding the relevant bits in this post meant I exceeded max' post length 

Works fine in an arch environment

redshift-gtk fails to load with the following error

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/redshift-gtk", line 26, in <module>
    from redshift_gtk.statusicon import run
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/redshift_gtk/", line 31, in <module>
    gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
AttributeError: module 'gi' has no attribute 'require_version'

redshift works fine from the cli. I seem to remember that this (redshift-gtk) worked OK in nutyx 10.5. As I've just dumped the stable system into a directory and could, if necessary, move it back to become the current system I could check.

Doesn't show song info pop up information (I'm using xfce4-notifyd, though prefer dunst). Option is checked in Song Info section of plugins.

I note that /etc/lsb-release indicates that rolling is the branch, DISTRIB_RELEASE="rolling", in miyo and that in stable it is DISTRIB_RELEASE="10.5" but that the files /etc/cards.conf in both rolling (miyo) and stable (10.5) are identical (diff command). Are all the upgrade pkgs mixed together in-house?

Great distro and I am not criticizing at all, just trying to resolve things. If I can figure out how to compile and get a few of my 'essential to me' apps loaded I could see this becoming my daily driver.

And boy of boy, it's quick and bloat free!

Regards and hope I haven't offended anyone.


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Re: Great Distro and a couple of things I'm not understanding
« Reply #1 on: Mon Jan 28 01:23:53 2019 »
Hi stabbmesiter! No offense taken on my part. I'll try to answer Miyo specific questions the best I can, but I'm on my phone right now and limited to what I'm able to cover. Sorry.

I'll answer within your quote below.

After editing miyo-exit I have the options for suspend/resume on exit but they are not working as of yet.
Is this because there is no power group? I am a member of wheel and root user is created.
xfce4-power-manager is installed and running
Trying, and failing to bind miyo-exit and to keys (bindsym) in i3wm.

According to the developer of PMenu, it will only work in Openbox or Xfce.  :-\

That's why I didn't include those options in miyo-exit...I could never figure out why I couldn't get them to work!  :-[

Did you add i3 on top of Openbox as another session, or did you do a minimal install of NuTyX and added i3 to that? I'm asking, because miyo-exit despends on yad. If you installed i3 on a minimal NuTyX installation, you'll need to install yad also.

I know it's not preferable, but when I ran i3 (long ago), I ended up binding certain keys to the actual commands themselves.

Doesn't show song info pop up information (I'm using xfce4-notifyd, though prefer dunst). Option is checked in Song Info section of plugins.

I also use audacious, but xfce4-notify doesn't work with audacious on my seems as though audacious has its own notification and takes a bit to set up in audacious' notification preferences.


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Re: Great Distro and a couple of things I'm not understanding
« Reply #2 on: Mon Jan 28 13:40:48 2019 »
Many thanks for the reply,
                     I've answered as best I can below - nothing here is a show stopper, maybe I'm taking the miyo concept too far. But it is kinda fun tweaking stuff.

pmenu-py works fine in i3wm (via rofi/dmenu or terminal), it even presents as floating which is nice - saves me having to get menutray.

It's not a biggy and I'm looking at how antix does it (icewm but transfers to i3 no problems) but I'm pretty sure that route is very distro specific and would require more intervention that I can be bothered with or capable of - manjaro also has a neat exit procedure for i3 (and so for openbox) but is systemd specific.
Or maybe just install oblogout - no idea as of yet. Probably stick with cli for now, or as you suggest bind keys to specific commands.

miyo or minimal install
I tried nutyx 10.5 minimum to start with - no problems but was interested in looking at rolling so installed the (your!) miyo iso - always like to have a good, clean wm (which miyo is) to return to after I've tried (usually failed) to get things working in another wm/de. Added i3wm, usually good compatibility with openbox.

Pop ups for audacious in manjaro xfce works fine, I'm thinking this is a dbus/mpris issue but I've no idea really.
Song Change works in Plugins ( notify-send '%a: %b:'   etc etc is Ok ), as does AOSD (which I've gone for with some changes) so the audacious issue is no longer an issue. Installing dunst will not work as there are dependency issues - libxss and libgtk-3-dev are not in the repos and we are starting to get into slackware (pure) territory so I'll be giving that a miss.

Now, about this acpid and keyboard.....


All the best and thanks!


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Re: Great Distro and a couple of things I'm not understanding
« Reply #3 on: Mon Jan 28 15:51:15 2019 »
Hello stabbmesiter

Welcome on NuTyX

cards pkgmanager is good though I would like to be able to see the dependencies of a package before I install it.
CARDS find the deps of the package when after download it, means it does it "on the fly". Because of that it's not possible to know in advanced what will be necessary as deps. Remembe that the deps in NuTyX are always a MUST to have as everything is automaticaly found (at compilation time). And No they are no optionnal deps in NuTyX and they never will be.
« Last Edit: Mon Jan 28 21:24:50 2019 by Thierry »


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Re: Great Distro and a couple of things I'm not understanding
« Reply #4 on: Tue Jan 29 04:54:18 2019 »
Many thanks for the reply,
                     I've answered as best I can below - nothing here is a show stopper, maybe I'm taking the miyo concept too far. But it is kinda fun tweaking stuff.

pmenu-py works fine in i3wm (via rofi/dmenu or terminal), it even presents as floating which is nice - saves me having to get menutray.

Ahhh...Okay. I wonder if the developer of pmenu knows that it works in i3? ;D

Menutray!  8)  About a year ago, I produced a Devuan-based i3, and I used menutray in it. For that one, I added Shutdown, Reboot, Hibernate, etc. as menu entries to the menutray file.

It's not a biggy and I'm looking at how antix does it (icewm but transfers to i3 no problems) but I'm pretty sure that route is very distro specific and would require more intervention that I can be bothered with or capable of - manjaro also has a neat exit procedure for i3 (and so for openbox) but is systemd specific.
Or maybe just install oblogout - no idea as of yet. Probably stick with cli for now, or as you suggest bind keys to specific commands.

I think I'll install i3 and see if I can figure something out for pmenu and promises for results!  :P  ;D

miyo or minimal install
I tried nutyx 10.5 minimum to start with - no problems but was interested in looking at rolling so installed the (your!) miyo iso - always like to have a good, clean wm (which miyo is) to return to after I've tried (usually failed) to get things working in another wm/de. Added i3wm, usually good compatibility with openbox.

Pop ups for audacious in manjaro xfce works fine, I'm thinking this is a dbus/mpris issue but I've no idea really.
Song Change works in Plugins ( notify-send '%a: %b:'   etc etc is Ok ), as does AOSD (which I've gone for with some changes) so the audacious issue is no longer an issue. Installing dunst will not work as there are dependency issues - libxss and libgtk-3-dev are not in the repos and we are starting to get into slackware (pure) territory so I'll be giving that a miss.

Now, about this acpid and keyboard.....


All the best and thanks!


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Re: Great Distro and a couple of things I'm not understanding
« Reply #5 on: Tue Jan 29 05:48:05 2019 »
Okay! Went ahead and installed i3 to see what I could see...  :D

Here are the keybinds that I set for miyo-exit and pmenu.  :D  Both are working.  ;)

WARNING: miyo-exit doesn't present as a floating will tile like normal i3 windows. It's been so long since I've used i3, I can't remember what to do to make a floating window!  :o   ;D   :P

# Miyo-Exit
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+m exec --no-startup-id miyo-exit

# Pmenu
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+p exec --no-startup-id

That command will have pmenu show up wherever your cursor is located on the screen. If you want it to show in a certain area of the screen, the next command opens it in the lower left-hand corner of my screen...on the left screen edge and right on top of the status bar. Might have to play with those x and y numbers depending on your screen size...and where you'd prefer it to show on your screen.

# Pmenu
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+p exec --no-startup-id --x 2 --y 743

For i3, you'd need to change the Logout command in miyo-exit (if you wanted to use Logout there). Don't know if you need this, but since i3lock isn't available, the lxdm screen lock that I put in Miyo will work. Here's the keybind that I made for it...

# Screenlock
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+x exec --no-startup-id lxdm -c USER_SWITCH

I think I was wrong in my interpretation of the developer saying that pmenu only works in Openbox and Xfce. In looking at the documentation on the gitlab page, I think he was talking about running pmenu with the option of having it also display the Settings, Screenlock, and Logout buttons as part of the menu will only work in Openbox and Xfce. Sorry for the wrong information.

Good luck!
« Last Edit: Tue Jan 29 06:58:23 2019 by oyim »


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Re: Great Distro and a couple of things I'm not understanding
« Reply #6 on: Tue Jan 29 10:16:59 2019 »
Oh my word! I'm having a ball playing around with i3 again! I'd forgotten how much fun it is! Thanks stabbmesiter for stirring my interest again.  :D


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Re: Great Distro and a couple of things I'm not understanding
« Reply #7 on: Tue Jan 29 13:34:41 2019 »
Hi oyim,
                 Thanks for the replies/info. I've answered/observed as I can. How to you get the quotes thing going, I can't see any options. Not a biggy just curious.

WARNING: miyo-exit doesn't present as a floating will tile like normal i3 windows. It's been so long since I've used i3, I can't remember what to do to make a floating window!  :o   ;D   :P

               If you want a tiled window presented as floating on start up of the application put an entry similar to this in config
               for_window [class="Lxterminal"] floating enable
               case sensitive - needs a capital letter to start with. I've messed around with this for miyo-exit but not gotten it to work yet (various combinations of upper/lower case). Not too bothered as if I'm exiting I'm exiting.
               To change a tiled window to floating and back the default is
               # toggle tiling / floating
               bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle
               And of course a couple of other keys to move/change size and change focus between tiles/floating which are usually included as default.
# Miyo-Exit
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+m exec --no-startup-id miyo-exit

# Pmenu
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+p exec --no-startup-id

         Nice one, I missed off the --no-startup-id (lazy) so sweet and neat on that.

# Pmenu
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+p exec --no-startup-id --x 2 --y 743

         Very nice and incorporated, thanks.

# Screenlock
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+x exec --no-startup-id lxdm -c USER_SWITCH

         Yep, that works but is pretty brutal (zap - gone) plus leaves the user logged in. I think that you are looking at locking the screen and I'm looking at exiting.

         what I did, for now, was copy miyo-exit to miyo-exit-i3 and changed the "openbox-exit" entry to

--field="  Log Out!gnome-logout!Log Out":fbtn "i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'Meh, you wuss. Suck the big one, this will end me' -b 'Yes, exit i3' 'i3-msg exit'" \

         then referenced miyo-exit-i3 in my config file.

         Which really goes to show how puerile I remain (this is something I changed in my initial delight of finding i3, a few (cough) years ago). It works, is a horrible hack and requires additional mouse movement and clicks but makes me smile. Try running i3-nagbar with no options, again made me smile.
         I've tested shutdown/reboot/logout via miyo-exit-i3 and all appear to work - though you have to make sure that all terminals are closed as if not, it just sits there.
Oh my word! I'm having a ball playing around with i3 again! I'd forgotten how much fun it is! Thanks stabbmesiter for stirring my interest again.  :D

         i3wm is really clever/fast and I especially like the back and forth keys and the back and forth ability when you click on the same workspace in i3status, plus scratchpad. Saves so much time/concentration (lazy I am).
         # workspace back and forth (with/without active container)
           workspace_auto_back_and_forth yes
           bindsym $mod1+b workspace back_and_forth
           bindsym $mod+Shift+b move container to workspace back_and_forth; workspace back_and_forth
         If you are a icewm fan (I am - antix and absolute slackware are fine examples of how to present icewm, as I'm sure are others that I've not looked flames!). Check out the new version 1.5.1 - a real tweakers delight is icewm (absolute slackware has just moved to 1.5.1, the dev likes to keep some of the things really up to date). Released earlier this month - resolves a bunch of niggles.
         But then again I started out with openbox (Crunchbang!) so openbox will always be special.


Bunch of smileys - I too have returned to i3 and am enjoying it afresh. Bit worried that I'll try awesome wm again - now that isn't easy to tweak!

All the best and regards.


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Re: Great Distro and a couple of things I'm not understanding
« Reply #8 on: Wed Jan 30 04:48:23 2019 »
Got miyo-exit to float!  :D

Add this to your config...

Code: [Select]
for_window [class="(?i)Yad"] floating enable
With that, all of the yad-based Accessories that I included in MiyoLinux Rolling now float in i3.  8)

When I suggested using the lock screen, I just meant that since i3lock isn't available and if you wanted to use a lock screen, you could use the lxdm lock screen. I didn't mean to use it for exiting the session.  :)  Sorry for the misunderstanding.

To use the quote feature, if you look at the post of the person you want to quote, on the top right-hand corner (of that person's post), it will say "Quote". Just click that, and it will quote the entire post of that person.

Another option is to use the Quote button. When you are making a post, if you look above the text box that you're typing in, you'll see the smileys directly above the text box. Above the smileys is a row of buttons. Going from left to right, the Quote button is the 13th button. It will only put a Quote box around the text that you want to quote; such as, if I wanted to quote one part of your post, I would use my cursor to highlight that, copy it, then paste it in the text box where I'm typing. After pasting it in the text box, I would highlight it (in the text box) with my cursor, then click the Quote button. So I would end up with something like this...

Bunch of smileys - I too have returned to i3 and am enjoying it afresh. Bit worried that I'll try awesome wm again - now that isn't easy to tweak!

I love awesome, but you're correct...tweaking is an adventure. One thing about it, it will let you know if you messed up. LOL!  ;D
« Last Edit: Wed Jan 30 05:26:52 2019 by oyim »


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Re: Great Distro and a couple of things I'm not understanding
« Reply #9 on: Wed Jan 30 15:08:43 2019 »
Code: [Select]

for_window [class="(?i)Yad"] floating enable

Brilliant and included in my config - I wouldn't have got that, very esoteric!


No problems whatsoever - my fault, your fault - fault, what fault?

I love awesome, but you're correct...tweaking is an adventure. One thing about it, it will let you know if you messed up. LOL!  ;D

Ahh but the feeling when it works.....bit of a rush and a awesome can be a very good looking, versatile wm (with tweaking)

And clearly I'm using quotes  :)

Now.....acpid and keyboard....guess I'll have to go through the manuals again....not too sure if I've got my head 'round a LFS based distro yet. Enjoying it though.
