Hi oyim,
Thanks for the replies/info. I've answered/observed as I can. How to you get the quotes thing going, I can't see any options. Not a biggy just curious.
WARNING: miyo-exit doesn't present as a floating window...it will tile like normal i3 windows. It's been so long since I've used i3, I can't remember what to do to make a floating window!

If you want a tiled window presented as floating on start up of the application put an entry similar to this in config
for_window [class="Lxterminal"] floating enable
case sensitive - needs a capital letter to start with. I've messed around with this for miyo-exit but not gotten it to work yet (various combinations of upper/lower case). Not too bothered as if I'm exiting I'm exiting.
To change a tiled window to floating and back the default is
# toggle tiling / floating
bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle
And of course a couple of other keys to move/change size and change focus between tiles/floating which are usually included as default.
# Miyo-Exit
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+m exec --no-startup-id miyo-exit
# Pmenu
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+p exec --no-startup-id pmenu.py
Nice one, I missed off the --no-startup-id (lazy) so sweet and neat on that.
# Pmenu
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+p exec --no-startup-id pmenu.py --x 2 --y 743
Very nice and incorporated, thanks.
# Screenlock
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+x exec --no-startup-id lxdm -c USER_SWITCH
Yep, that works but is pretty brutal (zap - gone) plus leaves the user logged in. I think that you are looking at locking the screen and I'm looking at exiting.
what I did, for now, was copy miyo-exit to miyo-exit-i3 and changed the "openbox-exit" entry to
--field=" Log Out!gnome-logout!Log Out":fbtn "i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'Meh, you wuss. Suck the big one, this will end me' -b 'Yes, exit i3' 'i3-msg exit'" \
then referenced miyo-exit-i3 in my config file.
Which really goes to show how puerile I remain (this is something I changed in my initial delight of finding i3, a few (cough) years ago). It works, is a horrible hack and requires additional mouse movement and clicks but makes me smile. Try running i3-nagbar with no options, again made me smile.
I've tested shutdown/reboot/logout via miyo-exit-i3 and all appear to work - though you have to make sure that all terminals are closed as if not, it just sits there.
Oh my word! I'm having a ball playing around with i3 again! I'd forgotten how much fun it is! Thanks stabbmesiter for stirring my interest again.

i3wm is really clever/fast and I especially like the back and forth keys and the back and forth ability when you click on the same workspace in i3status, plus scratchpad. Saves so much time/concentration (lazy I am).
# workspace back and forth (with/without active container)
workspace_auto_back_and_forth yes
bindsym $mod1+b workspace back_and_forth
bindsym $mod+Shift+b move container to workspace back_and_forth; workspace back_and_forth
If you are a icewm fan (I am - antix and absolute slackware are fine examples of how to present icewm, as I'm sure are others that I've not looked at.....no flames!). Check out the new version 1.5.1 - a real tweakers delight is icewm (absolute slackware has just moved to 1.5.1, the dev likes to keep some of the things really up to date). Released earlier this month - resolves a bunch of niggles.
But then again I started out with openbox (Crunchbang!) so openbox will always be special.
Bunch of smileys - I too have returned to i3 and am enjoying it afresh. Bit worried that I'll try awesome wm again - now that isn't easy to tweak!
All the best and regards.