Author Topic: when cards upgrade dissolve your installation  (Read 10944 times)


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when cards upgrade dissolve your installation
« on: Sat Oct 26 09:25:32 2019 »
Well, was experimenting a bit with cards.conf file again.

Clearly, I begin to see my previous exposure to NixOS have put some not correct assumptions in my mind.
Mostly, that binary packages can be seen as a cache version of ports.
Well, in NixOS, a new package version does not replace an old version, it just add a new version.
I guess that make it easier to handle dependencies.

Anyway, I had only ports in my /etc/cards.conf and I had just removed the url option.
And I did a cards sync...
And then I got the idea to do sudo cards upgrade ... expecting that if new ports existed it would take them...
I did not even do a "ports -u" before... still have badly newbie ideas.

I began to see that sudo cards upgrade was removing all the packages on the system.
Thought I should do Ctrl-C to limit the damage... but I was finding it so funny that I decided to let it continue.
And it did until there were not enough packages on the system to continue removing packages.

So in the end, the gui was mostly there (some missing icons), but nothing reacted.
I tried to Ctrl-Alt-F3 to go to a real terminal.
Was able to write my login name, but the system was not asking for a password anymore.

So I rebooted by pressing the power button... and rebooted on the other Linux system... from where I am writing this.

I think I will study your Scenario E more closely now.


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Re: when cards upgrade dissolve your installation
« Reply #1 on: Sat Oct 26 10:49:28 2019 »
Yes another bug that I will fix once’s. Always forget this one


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Re: when cards upgrade dissolve your installation
« Reply #2 on: Fri Nov 01 02:27:23 2019 »
>:( Again... And I hate the 5000 characters limit combine with the fact I cannot attach files!
Will have to remove a maximum of less usefull info from the commands.
This time... I don't really understand why this happens:
Code: [Select]
paul [ ~ ]$ sudo su
[sudo] Mot de passe de paul :
root [ /home/paul ]# install-nutyx -ec
dir: impossible d'accéder à '/usr/ports/personal': Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
dir: impossible d'accéder à '/usr/ports/desktops': Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
dir: impossible d'accéder à '/usr/ports/gui': Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
dir: impossible d'accéder à '/usr/ports/cli-extra': Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
dir: impossible d'accéder à '/usr/ports/cli': Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
dir: impossible d'accéder à '/usr/ports/base': Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
/etc/install-nutyx.conf: ligne 7: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
/etc/install-nutyx.conf: ligne 8: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
dir: impossible d'accéder à '/var/lib/pkg/depot/base-extra': Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
/etc/install-nutyx.conf: ligne 9: logdir : commande introuvable
/etc/install-nutyx.conf: ligne 10: group : commande introuvable
/etc/install-nutyx.conf: ligne 11: group : commande introuvable
/etc/install-nutyx.conf: ligne 12: base : commande introuvable
/etc/install-nutyx.conf: ligne 13: base : commande introuvable

Chroot path: /mnt/hd
root [ / ]# cards.conf
bash: cards.conf: command not found
root [ / ]# cards config
1 Directory: /usr/ports/personal
2 Directory: /usr/ports/desktops
3 Directory: /usr/ports/gui-extra
4 Directory: /usr/ports/gui
5 Directory: /usr/ports/cli-extra
6 Directory: /usr/ports/cli
Base System list directory: /usr/ports/base
Base System list directory: /usr/ports/tokeep
Binaries : x86_64
Group    : fr
Group    : man
Group    : dev
log directory: /var/log/pkgbuild
root [ / ]# cards sync
root [ / ]# cards upgrade
Retrieve info about the 148 packages: 100 %
REMOVE: (base) acl 2.2.53-1, 5 files: 100 %
REMOVE: (base) acl.devel 2.2.53-1, 7 files: 100 %
REMOVE: (base) attr 2.4.48-1, 6 files: 100 %
REMOVE: (base) cards 2.4.105-1, 10 files: cards upgrade: could not remove /etc/profile.d/: Directory not empty
100 %
REMOVE: (base) cards.devel 2.4.105-1, 8 files: cards upgrade: could not remove /usr/ports/: Directory not empty
cards upgrade: could not remove /etc/ports/: Directory not empty
100 %
REMOVE: (base) 2.4.105-1, 1 files: 100 %
REMOVE: (base) 2.4.105-1, 13 files: 100 %
REMOVE: (base) coreutils 8.30-1, 105 files: 100 %
REMOVE: (base) cpio 2.12-2, 2 files: 100 %
REMOVE: (base) curl 7.66.0-1, 10 files: 100 %
REMOVE: (base) curl.devel 7.66.0-1, 11 files: 100 %
REMOVE: (base) nutyx 11.2-1, 88 files: cards upgrade: could not remove /var/log/: Directory not empty
cards upgrade: could not remove /root/: Directory not empty
100 %
REMOVE: (base) 11.2-1, 2 files: 100 %
REMOVE: (base) rsync 3.1.3-3, 5 files: cards upgrade: could not remove /var/lib/pkg/: Directory not empty
cards upgrade: could not remove /etc/sysconfig/: Directory not empty
100 %
REMOVE: (base) 3.1.3-3, 2 files: 100 %
REMOVE: (base) util-linux 2.33.1-1, 119 files: cards upgrade: could not remove /var/lib/: Directory not empty
cards upgrade: could not remove /var/: Directory not empty
100 %
REMOVE: (base) util-linux.devel 2.33.1-1, 122 files: 100 %
REMOVE: (base) wget 1.20.3-1, 4 files: cards upgrade: could not remove /etc/: Directory not empty
100 %
REMOVE: (base) 1.20.3-1, 3 files: 100 %
REMOVE: (base) 1.20.3-1, 5 files: cards upgrade: could not remove /usr/share/info/: Directory not empty
100 %
REMOVE: (base) xfsprogs 5.0.0-1, 31 files: 100 %
REMOVE: (base) xz 5.2.4-1, 26 files: 100 %
REMOVE: (base) xz.devel 5.2.4-1, 20 files: 100 %
REMOVE: (base) zlib 1.2.11-1, 5 files: cards upgrade: could not remove /usr/share/: Directory not empty
cards upgrade: could not remove /usr/: Directory not empty
100 %
REMOVE: (base) zlib.devel 1.2.11-1, 8 files: cards upgrade: could not remove /usr/lib/: Directory not empty
100 %
bash: /bin/tput: No such file or directory
bash: wc: command not found
02:12 x86_64 4.19.80-NuTyX-lts root@nutyxbash: /bin/tput: No such file or directory
bash: /bin/tput: No such file or directory
]bash: /bin/tput: No such file or directory
root [ / ]#


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Re: when cards upgrade dissolve your installation
« Reply #3 on: Fri Nov 01 07:07:08 2019 »
You want to run before you can even walk into NuTyX.
This distro have nothing in common with anything else you could have try before, so no assumption anymore please.

I will fix the issue with cards upgrade along with the fact that it has to purge automatically anyway.

I see 2 errors

1. As I said

Try first without any extra configuration files  as yours are not correct

2. You can not make a
Code: [Select]
cards upgrade without any available or empty ports directory (/usr/ports/base )

My recommendation:

remove every config files and directory. in /etc/install-nutyx.conf and /etc/install-nutyx.conf.d and try again. We will see this config files later
« Last Edit: Fri Nov 01 07:50:53 2019 by Thierry »