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Question on install
I have downloaded mate rolling iso and wanted to install, however have following questions -
When booted into live mode, laptop mouse was not detected and the pointer remained frozen in center of screen. Even when i went into settings i could not get it working. I even attached an external usb mouse but that did not work. If i install will i face the same issue, is there a workaround?
I want to install NuTyX along with the grub and have it detect other linux distro that is already installed, will that work?
I have enabled legacy boot (not uefi0 and through that i go into grub to boot into linux. Will the same work for NuTyX as well?
Can not answer your mouse problem. I believe you need osprober to set up multiboot. Other distro's detect nutyx. I use bios, do the update-grub, grub-install from void or archlabs and then can boot nutyx. I haven't been able to set it up from nutyx. I am a noob also, so may not have it all right. Michael
--- Quote from: msb on Sat Mar 14 14:55:28 2020 ---I even attached an external usb mouse but that did not work. If i install will i face the same issue, is there a workaround?
--- End quote ---
1. open a terminal if you can
2. as explain in
--- Code: ---sudo cards install xorg-xf86-input-synaptics
--- End code ---
About your boot problem, I'm sorry I cannot really help you as they are so many differnet cases.
--- Quote from: Thierry on Sat Mar 14 17:05:35 2020 ---
--- Quote from: msb on Sat Mar 14 14:55:28 2020 ---I even attached an external usb mouse but that did not work. If i install will i face the same issue, is there a workaround?
--- End quote ---
1. open a terminal if you can
2. as explain in
--- Code: ---sudo cards install xorg-xf86-input-synaptics
--- End code ---
About your boot problem, I'm sorry I cannot really help you as they are so many differnet cases.
--- End quote ---
Thanks. I could get the mouse working using synaptics package. I was able to detect nutyx by applying grub on the other distro. I installed kde and removed mate DE that i originally installed. So when i shutdown my system it just shows a cursor on empty screen. I need to press power button to shut down the system. Is there any package/library that i am missing or removed while uninstalling mate?
Shutdown on KDE is a bit boggy, some times it works some times not
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