Help > Tips and Tricks



Hi guys!

If anyone is using the jwm or openbox systems and this interests you, I've added some more functionality to the "Touchpad Controls".

In addition to Off, On, and Off While Typing, I've added the following...

- Tap to Select (tap the touchpad once to select items)
- Two Finger Scrolling On
- Two Finger Scrolling Off
- Vertical Side Scrolling On
- Vertical Side Scrolling Off

Here's a picture of it...

As a reminder, the Touchpad Controls GUI is for temporary use; it doesn't carry the choices made through reboots. If you want to add that functionality to your autostart file or .jwmrc file so that they do start up with your system, these are the lines to add...

###Enable Single Tap on the touchpad...

synclient TapButton1=1

### Enable Verticle Edge scrolling...

synclient VertEdgeScroll=1

### Enable Two Finger Scrolling...

synclient VertTwoFingerScroll=1

...of course, comment them out if you don't want to use them for any reason.  ;D

The script for the GUI can be downloaded HERE.

Move it to /usr/local/bin/ (it will overwrite the existing one), and make sure it has the right permissions with the command...

--- Code: ---chmod +x miyo-touchpad
--- End code ---

Well done ;)



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