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[SOLVED]: Can't open NTFS USB-PenDrive or -HDD in thunar
Initial situation:
NuTyX x86_64 5.18.1 (actual Release) with Xfce.
Installation went seamless, thanks to excellent NuTyX documentation and guides on homepage.
My only "main issue" is the problem of opening a NTFS-formatted USB-PenDrive or USB-HDD with NTFS-partition within thunar.
Note: an ext4-formatted USB-HDD-partition can be opened (mounted) in thunar w/o any problems.
NTFS USB-PenDrive is displayed on desktop (icon) and also in thunar (name) correctly.
But when using functionality "Open" or "Mount Volume", nothing happens. Afterwards NuTyX looses functionality of "Restart, Shutdown,...".
Manual mount of NTFS USB-PenDrive with "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /run/media/USER/usb" works fine, also command "sudo umount..." for eject PenDrive. But this handling isn't lean and should work within thunar.
Proposal for Solution:
Thierry sent me the right proposal for solution:
--- Quote ---can you try to go back to an older kernel then the 5.18, as they did change the ntfs modules. If you install LTS kernel-510 they is a big chance that you will have all back to normal. I know that upstream development of the ntfs-3g software is still under develop (to cover the new kernel module).
This tuto will be a great help for changing kernel:
--- End quote ---
Verification of Solution:
I installed kernel-510 (long time support Linux kernel) and perfomed GRUB update.
Now, after reboot:
- loaded kernel is 5.10.119-NuTyX-510
- NTFS USB-PenDrive and also -HDD can be opened within thunar (read-write-access), and also Eject Volume is working perfect.
So, usage of kernel-510 solved issue with NTFS USB-PenDrives ;-)
Many thanks to Thierry for his great support!
Thanks a lot for this excellent detail explanations. I took the chance to highlight your text where it needs to be ;)
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