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Installation issue with NuTyx xfce version
You USB key is located at /dev/sda:
"sda 11:0:0:0 disk Kingston DataTraveler_3.0 PMAP usb"
--- Code: ---sudo dd if=NuTyX_x86_64-22.07.0-XFCE4.iso of=/dev/sda status=progress
--- End code ---
Support have some limits here as you do not know what you are doing I'm affraid.
Good Morning
so I just need to copy this line below into the terminal ? and the process just start to copy to iso on the usb key?
sudo dd if=NuTyX_x86_64-22.07.0-XFCE4.iso of=/dev/sda status=progress
I wanted to ask you on pc without Windows or any linux distro by downloading first the iso on a usb key for kde5 or xfce will it work ?
No, will not work
Hi it took nearly two hours to complete onto the usb key by using sudo dd if=NuTyX_x86_64-22.07.0-XFCE4.iso of=/dev/sda status=progress but it will not install always the same error:
Starting initrd
10.1274491 /dev/loopO:Can't open blockdev
starting version 246
Any help is grealty appreciated
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