Hi Thierry!
Sorry for a late response

I was planning on adding three packages, actually:
As a side note I tried compiling
iftop, but only managed succesfully compiling the stable 0.17 version and only when I followed
https://nutyx.org/en/faq#7. But I guess that is pretty simple to do and I just am not knowledgeable enough, even though I tried to follow instructions posted on
https://nutyx.org/en/documentation#3. I might also need help with Zig for the same reason.
The one I was specifically talking about is the
julia package. I has a
juliaup utility (
https://github.com/JuliaLang/juliaup), that can be used to easily install, update and remove
julia from a machine. The interesting part is, that it can be used to update and remove
itself as well. So, generally speaking, I would believe the logic would be to do the following:
- sudo cards install julia: on rolling - download juliaup if not present then install the latest stable version of julia, on testing - download juliaup if not present then install the latest upcoming release (beta) version of julia (information on channels could be found in the available system provided channels section on that same GitHub Juliaup page)
- sudo cards upgrade: on rolling - install the latest version of juliaup (using juliaup self update) then update julia to the latest stable version, on testing - install the latest version of juliaup (using juliaup self update) then update julia to the latest upcoming release (beta) version (notably, AFAIK juliaup could be used to install multiple versions of julia, so, perhaps, all installed versions of julia should be updated after juliaup updates itself)
- sudo cards remove julia: on rolling and testing - remove all installed versions of julia, then remove juliaup using juliaup self uninstall
These are the solutions I came up with. Perhaps you would do something differently, as NuTyX developer. But if I could always use the latest stable version of
julia on my rolling NuTyX release, that would be great!