A really really cool feature

What's that ?
It give the possibility to name a package with different names, As a first step, the only possible actions are on the installed packages::
Two examples that you get it quickly:
cards info mesa
Retrieve info about the 443 packages: 100 %
Name : xorg-mesa
Alias : Mesa Mesa3D mesa mesa3 mesa3d
Description : Mesa is an OpenGL compatible 3D graphics library.
Series(base) : xorg
Group :
Collection : gui
URL : http://www.xorg-mesa3d.org
Maintainer(s) : none
Packager(s) : pierre at nutyx dot org, tnut at nutyx dot org
Version : 12.0.1
Release : 1
Build date : Fri Aug 19 21:41:18 2016
Size : 37600256
Number of Files: 65
Arch : x86_64
I ask info about the
xorg-mesa by specifying an alias here
mesa. means a synonym. The number of alias per package is not limited. It is unique inside the all collection, means TWO packages from a same collection can never have a same alias.
Works as well for delete a package:
cards remove vi
The package 'vim' is in the base list
specify -a to remove it anyway
vi is an alias of the
vim package
- Alias will give cards the possibility to update a package without taking cards of the name. The alias will be enough
- Alias will help in resolving dependencies names as they can be use as them for the construction...