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Hi antirust

Welcome to NuTyX,
Glad you could fix this issue.

Best regards,

Thank you very much.
Hi antirust

Welcome to NuTyX,
Glad you could fix this issue.

Best regards,
I figured out a solution after an RTFM.
I read the man page for cards and decided to try the following:
Code: [Select]
cards install -u cardswhich worked successfully.
I'm now upgrading the entire system.
Greetings. Over the past week I've tried to upgrade cards with:
Code: [Select]
sudo cards sync && sudo cards upgrade
I've done a simple ping request to google and have used the firefox browser so the network is up.
It seems to sync fine but the cards download always fails and so it never upgrades.
How can I fix this problem?

the link is to a screenshot of my terminal so you can see the exact error.
General / will sooner or later will be stop
« Last post by Thierry on Mon Jan 13 10:12:36 2025 »
Hi all
As you probably (not) knows. has been our host server for and

I want say a big thanks to the Tuxfamily team for providing us a such a great support all thoses years.. almost 18 years now.

During this year 2025. I will investigate for the best solution.

You can communicate with the NuTyX team via: or via

Please note that the depot repositories adress is not concerned and will  remains in a way or another.

Nevertheless I wish you all a happy new year 2025

General / General Chat - Hi how are you?
« Last post by unbalancedskunk on Mon Dec 16 08:41:36 2024 »
Well hi this topic is about chatting. May be i back to Nutyx again but i need to know. Does distrobox work?
General / Re: all i386 owners will probably need urgently help!
« Last post by Thierry on Wed Nov 27 11:18:31 2024 »
What should I do ?
There's still a 32 bits version but with a limited number of packages
The kernel is the oldest supported LTS

Might be a problem to find a usable browser.

General / all i386 owners will probably need urgently help!
« Last post by rankett on Sun Nov 24 14:26:31 2024 »
I was user of NuTyx saravane about 15 years ago... it was an elegant distribution mainly for i386 where the user did have the possibility to build a lot or all itself. now, ab. 15 years later, the same user having that old hardware will probably soon MUST to do exactly that oder to abandonate Linux because of not any more accessible software. Perhaps he will go back to Windows XP using its clone reactOS... Or he will finally scrap his old computer (an environmental sin if it still works well), if he has the money or uses something different like the  numerous cheap tabletts having the good Batard of Linux, Android of Google with probably all actually required security figures, because with old versions of Linux you get more and more problems to participate (else in 64 bits! You can't accede to the official KDE forum with only the poor actual Konqueror, it is really ridiculous allthough if the actual Konqueror is an actual developement!). These fact has a (perverse) name: PROGRESS! ?Whether the users import us, they become less numerous every day?. Yes, certainly, but they are still millions (or maybe even billions, because many old equipment end in poor countries or even what is old is always better than nothing! And even in our rich countries, during Corona, there were not enough PCS to transpose teaching on PC when the classrooms were closed: we also miss Europe, we also miss the USA of PCS so that everyone has access to it . Actually, I write those lines on a i7 4 cores 8Gb 1 Tb. But in 2 hours, I am in my sport room where the last laptop of my father runs; it is a poor old AMD64, officially 2 Gb (but the really value is not so high!) 80 Gb, and tomorrow, in my workshop it is a Dell Book-PC with Celeron and 1/2 Tb that I will found there because all the very old drawing of my house and after then a lot of drawings and technical documentations are there with an old Wine version, enough to continue to propulsate an 30 y. Windows95 CAD-application (not willing to work on all wine versions... I am happy I did find the one!). So I finally use Linux 32 bits on all my PC as Celeron would never be usable for Linux 64 bits and it is difficult enough to realize a one man show to be able to use the same software on all PCs and don't to make some error destructing some data... But I also use 32 bit Linux to be united with the poor people having no choice: it must be an old PC or no PC as  no money! In the last days, France T?l?vision did report about the numerous French families where children don't get enough to eat more than only one time a day: It is not in the past - it was this week! It was exactly the same at the Corona time! And did decide to use i386 as long as possible as sign of solidarity with those poor people. Thank to emmabunt?s having preserve the i386 version until now. But as Debian kill now the i386 Debian version, what happens now? Can we build our i386 system with LFS/BLFS as in the time of saravane ourself as NuTyx allready doesn't any more in it's binaries store something else than full 64 software (full = large requirements?)
General / Re: I keep finding myself here
« Last post by Thierry on Mon Nov 18 18:43:34 2024 »
Thanks a lot for your message.

About the kernel, you can choose any LTS kernel on NuTyX.

We keep going. Hope begin 2025. We'll be able to propose cards 3.0. And some closer mirrors

Have a nice day in New Zealand
General / I keep finding myself here
« Last post by devlin7 on Wed Nov 13 08:34:40 2024 »
I hop a lot but seem to keep returning to Nutyx. I love the installer, so simple. I like light and fast, my preference is Nutyx and Enlightenment. Last year, my setup consumed 220Mb at startup. I have noticed the linux kernel seems to use an additional 200Mb at boot now, not just Nutyx but Debian and Arch also. Pipewire also adds a bit. So enlightenment now uses 450Mb at boot and Mate around 600Mb. I have spent the day installing distros one after the other. My requirement was simple. Two user accounts and the ability to switch between them. Debian had a weird issue where if I logged on as user 1 and tried to run something as admin it would prompt for the admin credential of user 2.  While I knew both passwords, I couldn't live with the simple flaw. I installed 5 distros today that died and refused to start after the first set of upgrades. One after another, I ruled out distro after distro and not the little distros, I am talking the bigger names.  At 8pm, I returned to Nutyx by 9pm, I was done. There were a few things that slowed me, no way to add a second user via GUI so I did it by command line. The updates from New Zealand are slow, (15 minutes for the kernel update).  Some of the apps that I like aren't in cards, but I can get them from flathub. This distro rocks, keep up the incredible work.
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