Author Topic: My experience and my review  (Read 11258 times)


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My experience and my review
« on: Sat Oct 20 08:17:59 2018 »
My first experience with nutyx has been very positive.  Even though there is plenty of documentation on how to do an installation I like struggling to figure it out with no reading :)   Eventually I did go and read some to figure out what I did wrong.  It was actually fun doing this, for a change.  I usually start cursing with things that don't work, but this was different.
Anyway, I eventually got a minimal openbox running with consolekit2, no slim or lxdm, and I was under the wrong impression that xdm was at least necessary, but it seems it is not.
The weather plugin for lxpanel when trying to set location kills the panel.  I didn't get any errors running lxpanel on a terminal, and in all years using it I've never seen it act like this before.  No major issue, just worth reporting.

I wrote a review article based on my experience, and I am glad I had the opportunity to be introduced to Nutyx.

It has also been the first encounter with LFS which I have been meaning to try.

Good job people!

Question1:  I noticed that musl is available in the repository, are there any plans to built a whole musl version of Nutyx?
Question2:  I have yet to find where downloaded packages are stored.  I tried cards to see if it will spit it out, but no.  I was expecting to see something like /var/cache/cards but it is not there either.


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Re: My experience and my review
« Reply #1 on: Sat Oct 20 14:55:28 2018 »
My first experience with nutyx has been very positive.
I'm very pleased for that and thanks a lot for your review
Question1:  I noticed that musl is available in the repository, are there any plans to built a whole musl version of NuTyX?
As CARDS is a C++ package manager, I don' think it will be possible. musl was added to be able to compile busybox statically. Means it's actually possible to have a minimalistic initrd without any so lib in it. Quiet impressive for me

Question2:  I have yet to find where downloaded packages are stored.  I tried cards to see if it will spit it out, but no.  I was expecting to see something like /var/cache/cards but it is not there either.
If you make a:
Code: [Select]
cards configyou get the answer  ;) ;) ;)
Code: [Select]
LANGUAGE=C cards config
1 Directory: /var/lib/pkg/depot/nos from
2 Directory: /var/lib/pkg/depot/lxqt-extra from
3 Directory: /var/lib/pkg/depot/lxqt from
4 Directory: /var/lib/pkg/depot/lxde-extra from
5 Directory: /var/lib/pkg/depot/lxde from
6 Directory: /var/lib/pkg/depot/gnome-extra from
7 Directory: /var/lib/pkg/depot/gnome from
8 Directory: /var/lib/pkg/depot/mate-extra from
9 Directory: /var/lib/pkg/depot/mate from
10 Directory: /var/lib/pkg/depot/kde5-extra from
11 Directory: /var/lib/pkg/depot/kde5 from
12 Directory: /var/lib/pkg/depot/xfce4-extra from
13 Directory: /var/lib/pkg/depot/xfce4 from
14 Directory: /var/lib/pkg/depot/gui-extra from
15 Directory: /var/lib/pkg/depot/gui from
16 Directory: /var/lib/pkg/depot/cli-extra from
17 Directory: /var/lib/pkg/depot/cli from
18 Directory: /var/lib/pkg/depot/base from
Base System list directory: /var/lib/pkg/depot/base
Binaries : x86_64
Locale   : fr

In /var/lib/pkg/depot if you keep the defaults settings which is of course not a must. If you would like to switch to a source distro, you would probably use the defaults location for the ports in /usr/ports


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Re: My experience and my review
« Reply #2 on: Sun Oct 21 17:12:56 2018 »
I did cards config, I just didn't realize the output was all the /var/cache/cards directory I was expecting :)

Do you see any problem in moving all of /var/lib/pkg/depot to a different partition and mapping it in fstab?

I like doing this so in case I have to reinstall (rarely, I'd rather spent 4x more time fixing than reinstalling) I have all the pkgs to install locally so I don't have to download again.


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Re: My experience and my review
« Reply #3 on: Mon Oct 22 11:09:03 2018 »
Absolutly no Problem. You can even put every collection in a different place. It's define in /etc/cards.conf