Author Topic: french canadian layout  (Read 7779 times)


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french canadian layout
« on: Sat Jan 04 03:04:57 2020 »
I have installed KDE, which is not a desktop I used to use.

In Applications/Configuration/Configuration du système/Matériel/Périphérique d'entrée
in the Disposistion (layout) tab, I can add language, but it does not seems to change keyboard layout, even after logging out then in again.

For the terminal, cf layout seems fine (for the installation).

And it seems that the installer have copied this cf to the /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-keyboard.conf file.
But cf does not seems to be the correct layout for french canadian in Xorg.

I modified it to become:
paul [ ~ ]$ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-keyboard.conf
Section "InputClass"
  Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
  MatchIsKeyboard "yes"
  Option "XkbLayout" "ca(fr)"
paul [ ~ ]$

and now it works as expected.