Author Topic: NuTyX 21.09.0 available with cards 2.4.136  (Read 10090 times)


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NuTyX 21.09.0 available with cards 2.4.136
« on: Mon Sep 06 11:34:11 2021 »
The NuTyX team is happy to announce the new version of NuTyX 21.09.0 and cards 2.4.136.

The xorg-server graphics server version 1.20.13, the Mesa 3D library in 21.2.1, gtk3 3.24.30 and qt 5.15.2.

The python interpreters are en 3.9.6 et 2.7.18.

The XFCE desktop environment is updated to version 4.16.

The MATE desktop environment is a 1.26 version .

The GNOME desktop environment is also updated to version 40.4.

The KDE desktop environment is available in Plasma 5.22.5, Framework 5.85.0 and applications in 21.08.1.

Available browsers are: firefox 91.0.2, chromium 92.0.4515.159, epiphany 40.3, etc

Many desktop applications have been updated as well like thunderbird 78.13.0, Scribus 1.5.7, libreoffice, gimp 2.10.24, etc.

Core NuTyX ships with Long Term Support (LTS) kernels: 4.9.282, 4.14.246, 4.19.206, 5.4.144 and 5.10.62 and the latest stable version 5.14.1 .

New toolchain based on Glibc 2.34, GCC 11.2 and Binutils 2.37

The upgrade-nutyx command
The upgrade-nutyx command offer the possibility to upgrade automatically your NuTyX. A scheduled task planned every 30 minutes as default check for any updates. Availables packages for update are installed at next shutdown of the PC. To install upgrade-nutyx package, a:
Code: [Select]
sudo cards install upgrade-nutyxwill do it. Just run it ones with your own account. Explainations will be found in the post-install of the package.

The package manager cards
The cards search command shows now all the sub-packages as well if success packages found.

Upgrade process
Even if NuTyX 21.09.0 is a minor release.
Code: [Select]
sudo cards upgradeOnce the upgrade process done, the "desktops" collection in the /etc/cards.conf file will be deleted automatically.

Thanks to Spiky for his patience and his generosity in upgrading all thoses many packages.